Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Questions for Essay 2

-Do girls who have a good father-daughter relationship have better relationships with other males?
-Are girls with a bad father-daughter relationship more likely to stay in an unhealthy relationship wtih another male?
-Do girls with good father-daughter relationships tend to have better success rates than girls who don't have a good relationship?
-Does a girl with a bad father-daughter relationship tend to strive more to have better relationships with her children or vice versa?
-Do girls who had their father in their life tend to have higher self-esteem than girls who did not? If so, why?


  1. These are all really good questions. I'm interested to read the answers you come up with.

  2. My father has always been in my life and has always been my biggest fan and my biggest piece of support. However, I tend to have very low self esteem even though I would think having a positive male role model in my life would give me more confidence. Maybe I'm just weird though...haha.

  3. Speaking from experience and not a scientific standpoint, I think that girls, who grew up without a strong father figure may spend more time searching for a guy to fill that void then a girl who had a father in her life. And in some ways that can come across as desperate. But, lacking self esteem can come from a girls thought process of “if I can’t depend on my own father, then who can I depend on?” That direction of thinking could make a girl feel hopeless and tear at her self esteem. I don’t know though. Just my opinion.
